Liquid Extracts

Liquid Extracts

  • Abuta root 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Abuta root 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    MSRP: $38.00
    Abuta roots 2 oz. Liquid Extract Ecologically Wildcrafted  Suggested Use:  2-3 ml 2-3 times daily in 8-oz water.   Ingredients: Abuta roots (Abuta rufescens) , pure cane alcohol (USP 50%–60%), and osmotic water...
    MSRP: $38.00
  • Agracejo 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Agracejo 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Agracejo (Berberis vulgaris) liquid extract. Ecologically wildcrafted leaves.  Suggested Use: Take 60 drops 3 times daily in a small amount of water.  For a complete cleansing experience, alternate with Flor de Arena (Tiquilia paronychioides),...
  • Ajo sacha roots 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Ajo sacha roots 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    MSRP: $35.00
    Ajo sacha roots (Mansoa alliacea) 2 oz. Liquid Extract Traditionally, he root is prepared in a cane alcohol tincture as an overall regenerative whole-body tonic.  Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, mix 2 ml  in 6 oz, of water and take...
    MSRP: $35.00
  • On Sale
    Amazon Seatox 2-oz. Liquid Extract

    Amazon Seatox 2-oz. Liquid Extract

    MSRP: $38.50
    Now: $25.00
    Was: $38.50
    Amazon Seatox 2 oz Liquid extract. A propietary combination of Peruvian Red Sea Weed, Cilantro and Chlorella.   Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, 10 to 40 drops every other day in 6-oz water 30 minutes before or 90 minutes after a meal...
    MSRP: $38.50
    Now: $25.00
    Was: $38.50
  • Anamu 2 oz. Liquid Extract Anamu 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Anamu 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Anamu (Petiveria alliacea) liquid extract. Ecologically wildcrafted aerial parts.  Suggested Use: Take 90 drops 3 times daily.  Ingredients: Anamu aerial part extractives, pure sugar cane alcohol (USP 50%–60%), and osmotic water. Minimum...
  • Artichoke 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Artichoke 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Artichoke (Cynara scolymus) 2 oz. Liquid Extract. Ecologically wildcrafted leaves.  Suggested Use: Take 20 drops 2 times daily in a small amount of water.  Ingredients: Artichoke leaf extractives, pure sugar cane alcohol (USP...
  • Ayahuasca 2 oz. Ayahuasca 2 oz.

    Ayahuasca 2 oz.

    Ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis caapi) 2 oz.  Ecologically Wildcrafted  Suggested Use:  15 to 30 drops twice daily in 4-oz water.  Ingredients: Ayahuasca stem actives, pure cane alcohol (USP 50%–60%), and osmotic water. Minimum...
  • Ayapana 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Ayapana 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    MSRP: $38.00
    Ayapana Liquid Extract 2 oz. (Ayapana triplinervis) Suggested Use:  Mix 30-60 drops (depending on body weight) in 8 oz. of water, twice daily. Ingredients:  Ayapana leaves actives, pure cane alcohol (USP 50%–60%), and osmotic water...
    MSRP: $38.00
  • Barberry 2-oz. Liquid Extract

    Barberry 2-oz. Liquid Extract

    MSRP: $45.00
    Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) liquid extract. Ecologically wildcrafted leaves.  Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, 10 to 30 drops two or three times daily between meals in 6-oz water. Ingredients: Barberry leaf extractives, pure cane...
    MSRP: $45.00
  • Biofilm Compound  2-oz. Liquid Extract

    Biofilm Compound 2-oz. Liquid Extract

    MSRP: $45.00
    Biofilm Compound 2-oz. Liquid Extract Contains a proprietary blend of Uncaria Tomentosa 4% guaranteed-potency extract, Otoba Bark, Stevia Leaf, Houttuynia Leaf and Guaco Leaf. Suggested use: As a dietary supplement for internal support, take 15 drops...
    MSRP: $45.00
  • Bobinsana 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Bobinsana 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Bobinsana (Calliandra angustifolia) liquid extract. Ecologically wildcrafted bark.  Suggested Use: 60 drops 2 times daily in a small amount of water.  Ingredients: Bobinsana bark extractives, pure sugar cane alcohol (USP 50%–60%), and...
  • Boldo 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Boldo 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Boldo (Peumus boldus) liquid extract. Ecologically wildcrafted leaves.  Suggested Use: 60 drops 2 times daily in a small amount of water.  Ingredients: Boldo leaf extractives, pure sugar cane alcohol (USP 50%–60%), and osmotic water...
  • Calahuala 2 oz. Liquid Extract Calahuala 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Calahuala 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Calahuala (Polypodium decumanum ) Liquid Extract. Ecologically wildcrafted roots and rhizomes.  Suggested Use: Take 2mL 2 times daily in a small amount of water.  Ingredients: Calaguala root and rhizome extractives, pure sugar cane...
  • Canchalagua 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Canchalagua 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Canchalagua (Schkuhria pinnata) liquid extract. Ecologically wildcrafted leaves.  Suggested Use: Take 20 drops 3 times daily.  Ingredients: Canchalagua leaf extractives, pure sugar cane alcohol (USP 50%–60%), and osmotic water. Minimum...
  • Carqueja 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Carqueja 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    MSRP: $30.00
    Carqueja 2 oz. (Baccharis genistelloides) liquid extract. Ecologically wildcrafted leaves.  Suggested Use: Take 60 drops in 8 oz of water. Take 2-3 times daily if needed or as directed by your doctor. Ingredients: Carqueja leaf...
    MSRP: $30.00
  • Cat's Claw 2 oz. Liquid Extract Cat's Claw 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Cat's Claw 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    MSRP: $30.00
    Cat's Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) liquid extract. Ecologically wildcrafted inner bark.  Suggested Use: Take 90 drops 2 times daily in a small amount of water.  Ingredients: Cat's Claw inner bark extractives, pure sugar cane alcohol (USP...
    MSRP: $30.00
  • Catuaba 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Catuaba 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Catuaba (Erythroxylum catuaba) liquid extract. Ecologically wildcrafted bark.  Suggested Use: Take 60 drops 2 times daily in a small amount of water.  Ingredients: Catuaba bark extractives, pure sugar cane alcohol (USP 50%–60%), and...
  • Cecropia 2 oz. Liquid Extract Cecropia 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Cecropia 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    MSRP: $38.00
    Cecropia (Cecropia Strigosa) 2 oz.  Ecologically Wildcrafted Bark. Microbial defense herb commonly added to protocols anchored by Uncarine Max for extra support. It is popularly used alone or with Uncarine Max over the winter. Cecropia also is...
    MSRP: $38.00
  • Chanca Piedra 2 oz. Liquid Extract Chanca Piedra 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Chanca Piedra 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    MSRP: $30.00
    Chanca Piedra (Phyllanthus niruri) Liquid Extract. Ecologically wildcrafted leaves.  Susan says: "Year in, year out, Chanca Piedra, which, translated, means 'Stone Breaker' is a Top 10 Herb for people who invariably rave about it. It's truly a...
    MSRP: $30.00
  • Chuchuhuasi 2 oz.Liquid Extract

    Chuchuhuasi 2 oz.Liquid Extract

    Chuchuhuasi (Maytenus macrocarpa) liquid extract. Ecologically wildcrafted bark. Suggested Use: Take 90 drops 2 to 3 times daily.  Ingredients: Chuchuhuasi bark extractives, extractives, pure sugar cane alcohol (USP 50%–60%), and osmotic water...
  • Clavo Huasca 2 oz. Liquid Extract Clavo Huasca 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Clavo Huasca 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Clavo Huasca (Tynanthus panurensis) liquid extract. Ecologically wildcrafted bark.  Suggested Use: Take 90 drops 2 times daily in a small amount of water.  Ingredients: Clavo Huasca bark extractives, pure sugar cane alcohol (USP 50%–60%),...
  • Clear Parsley 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Clear Parsley 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    MSRP: $38.00
    Clear Parsley  (Parsley crispum) 2 oz.  Chlorophyll Free Suggested Use:  Mix 10 drops twice daily in 6-oz water.  Ingredients: Parsley herb actives, pure cane alcohol (USP 50%–60%), and osmotic water. Minimum dry herb...
    MSRP: $38.00
  • Cumaseba 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Cumaseba 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Cumaseba (Swartzia polyphylla) Liquid Extract Ecologically Wildcrafted Bark Suggested Use: Take 60 drops 2 times daily in a small amount of water. Caution: Not for use during pregnancy or lactation. If you are taking medications or have a medical...
  • Damiana  2 oz. Liquid Extract Damiana  2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Damiana 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    MSRP: $26.00
    Damiana (Turnera diffusa; syn. T. aphrodisiaca) liquid extract. Ecologically wildcrafted leaves.  Suggested Use: Take 60 drops 2 times daily in a small amount of water.  Ingredients: Damiana leaf extractives, pure sugar cane alcohol (USP...
    MSRP: $26.00
  • Flor de Arena 2 oz Liquid Extract

    Flor de Arena 2 oz Liquid Extract

    Flor de Arena (Tiquilia paronychioides) liquid extract. Ecologically wildcrafted flowers and leaves.  Suggested Use: Take 15 drops 3 times daily.  Ingredients: Flor de Arena leaf and flower extractives, pure sugar cane alcohol (USP...
  • Gravio-Cat 2 oz. Liquid Extract Gravio-Cat 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Gravio-Cat 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    MSRP: $30.00
    Graviola (Annona muricata) and Cat's Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) liquid extract. Ecologically wildcrafted plant parts.  Suggested Use: Take 60 drops 3 times daily in a small amount of water.  Gravio-Cat is made with equal parts by weight (1:1)...
    MSRP: $30.00
  • On Sale
    Graviola  2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Graviola 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    MSRP: $27.50
    Now: $13.75
    Was: $27.50
    Graviola (Annona muricata) liquid extract. Ecologically wildcrafted leaves.  Suggested Use: Take 60 drops 2 times daily in a small amount of water. Ingredients: Graviola leaf extractives, pure sugar cane alcohol (USP 50%–60%), and osmotic...
    MSRP: $27.50
    Now: $13.75
    Was: $27.50
  • Graviola Fruit 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Graviola Fruit 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    MSRP: $30.00
    Graviola (Annona muricata) fruit liquid extract. Ecologically Wildcrafted  Suggested Use: Take 60 drops 3 times daily in a small amount of water.  Ingredients: Graviola fruit extractives, pure sugar cane alcohol (USP 50%–60%), and osmotic...
    MSRP: $30.00
  • Graviola Max 2 oz. Liquid Extract Graviola Max 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Graviola Max 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    MSRP: $30.00
    New! Graviola Max 2 oz. Liquid Extract  – a maximized blend of 2 Graviola species: Annona muricata and Annona montana in equal parts. Ingredients: Leaves of graviola (Annona muricata) and mountain graviola (Annona...
    MSRP: $30.00
  • Guaco 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Guaco 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    MSRP: $30.00
    Guaco (Mikania guaco) 2 oz. Liquid Extract.  Ecologically Wildcrafted  Suggested Use:  60 drops 3 times daily in 8-oz water.   Ingredients: Guaco leaves, pure cane alcohol (USP 50%–60%), and osmotic water...
    MSRP: $30.00
  • Guayusa 2 oz. Liquid Extract. Guayusa 2 oz. Liquid Extract.

    Guayusa 2 oz. Liquid Extract.

    MSRP: $26.00
    Guayusa (Ilex guayusa) liquid extract – a natural source of caffeine and theobromine. Ecologically wildcrafted leaves.  Suggested Use: Take 60 drops 3 times daily in a small amount of water.  Ingredients: Guayusa leaf, pure sugar cane...
    MSRP: $26.00
  • Hercampuri 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Hercampuri 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Hercampuri (Gentianella alborosea) liquid extract. Ecologically wildcrafted leaves.  Suggested Use: Take 20 drops two times daily in a small amount of water.  Ingredients: Hercampuri leaf extractives, pure sugar cane alcohol (USP...
  • Huacapu 2 oz Liquid Extract Huacapu 2 oz Liquid Extract

    Huacapu 2 oz Liquid Extract

    MSRP: $30.00
    Huacapu (Minquartia guianensis) liquid extract. Ecologically wildcrafted bark.  Suggested Use: Take 50 drops 3 times daily in a small amount of water.  Ingredients: Huacapu bark extractives, pure sugar cane alcohol (USP 50%–60%), and...
    MSRP: $30.00
  • Huacapurana 2 oz. Liquid Extract Huacapurana 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    Huacapurana 2 oz. Liquid Extract

    MSRP: $38.00
     Huacapurana 2 oz. Liquid Extract Ecologically Wildcrafted bark.  Huacapurana is routinely paired with Uncarine Max, Otoba, Pimpinella, Amor Seco and Stevia in protocols designed for people with stubborn wellness challenges. Huacapurana also is indicated...
    MSRP: $38.00