Bulk Concentrates, Blends & Guaranteed Potency

Bulk Concentrates, Blends & Guaranteed Potency

Bulk extracts in 4:1, 10:1 and 20:1 concentrations and guaranteed-potency extracts give you the herbal firepower you need to address your pressing concerns. Certificates of analysis are provided with every purchase confirming the authenticity, quality, and strength of the powders you've chosen. Questions? Our founder and chief herbalist Derek Clontz is here for you. Call him at 1-800-215-4682 or drop him a line at derekclontz@gmail.com. Yes, he does answer his own phone Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m until 4 p.m. Eastern, He responds to email the same day you send it to him seven days a week. He's serious business - and a lot of fun, too!

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